Since I had already looked at as many pictures as I could find on the Internet I knew that my current expanded breasts would look much different when they are exchanged for implants. As we have discussed before there are many factors that will contribute: profile, saline or silicone fill, textured or smooth, and shaped or round implants. It is not time just yet to make the decisions about all of those. That will come a little later closer to implant exchange time. Hopefully that will occur about 6-8 weeks from now. Now is the time to decided if I want an additional 50cc added to each breast on a weekly basis. I have been considering this decision very seriously each week.
I have tried to get input on this matter to help me make the most informed decision possible. Cody of course is one of the most important opinions, but I also have a really good fried who works in the clothing industry who has given me a great deal of input. I have been able to unload on her all of my questions about bras. From how you take proper measurements to what really looks proportionate. It is very important to me not stand out like a sore thumb but look natural and pleasing to the eye. This mother of two does not really want people to look at me and say, "those are implants." Even with this in mind I have to be realistic. The girls are not real, and they never will be again. So I can, under the mask of clothing, look completely natural and achieve my goal of not calling attention to myself. On the other hand though, when bathing suit season comes around I don't believe I will be fooling anyone.
Back to the point! Cody and I mutually agree that we like the look of the girls this week. Next Monday I will be going back to get an additional 50cc on both sides. We feel like we need to go just slightly larger than our ultimate goal in order for the more relaxed and spread out implants to have the gusto that my expander's currently have. I am so excited that we are so close to having the expansion process behind us. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that Cody and I both agree on this decision. I have immersed myself in research and opinion seeking to ensure that we are happy about our decision. After a few days of living with this weeks expansion we both feel confident in our decision! Whew!!
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