I feel that in 2011 my thoughts and research need to focus a little more on my overall health. Each and every person that we encounter has a different opinion on what is important to our health. I will offer myself as a perfect example of this. Twelve months ago my idea of what was necessary for a healthy lifestyle was completely different than what it is today. What I considered "enough" for my daily activity is much different today than what it was last January. Supplements and vitamins were something I would look into in the next ten years. So much has changed, and I believe for the better.
The new fad seems to be focused on clean eating and physical fitness. I would like to start by giving my input on a few of these. So far, I can tell you that I am no where near perfect at any of these, but I do believe that they can make a positive impact if applied. Clean eating is a new key phrase for 2011. I have read many on-line articles about it, and it is easy to see that if implemented it would be valuable to any ones diet. For the Timmons family I have tried to implement my own version of this method.
Clean Eating - Betsey's steps
1. Avoid the inner isles of the grocery store. Stick to the perimeter. By doing this your waistline and your pocketbook are both benefited.
2. Fresh!!! Processed foods lack the nutritional value of fresh, and honestly Fresh tastes better in my opinion.
3. Make a list before you go to the store. I find that meal planning helps me out a great deal! If you get tired of the same old meals all the time I recommend this site. They offer easy meal planning and a grocery list. I used it for several years. I still have most of my weekly planners, and I pull them out of my binder when we need a little variety.
4. Portion size is a big deal! It is so easy to forget what we are putting into our bodies when we go out to eat. Many restaurants have nutritional information on their websites, take a look before you go out. We also need to think about portion size at home. I utilize calorie counters to get an idea of what a serving should be. If you are unsure of what 3 oz or other measurements look like invest in a scale, or borrow one and take pictures for future reference.
5. Add an extra vegetable or fruit to your day. Another tip of mine: my kids do not eat fruits and veggies consistently so I supplement with V8 juices. Also, if meat and veggies are all that's available they are more likely to eat them.
Physical Fitness
1. There are some of us out there who are not going to go to the gym, and that is ok. Invest in a pedometer. This is any easy way to be informed. Try to increase the number of steps you take each day. This is simple, but can make a big difference.
2. If you are going to the gym set up an appointment with a personal trainer. I think this is good to do from time to time. You can utilize your trainers knowledge to learn new exercises, focus on areas you are concerned, and many other things. Post surgery I still have certain exercises I cannot perform. My trainer had a few different methods of working the same muscle groups. Some of these methods worked for me while others did not. We are each unique in what works and does not work for us in the gym, a trainer can only help with this.
3. Get some variety! The same exact workout can become tedious overtime. Utilize all that your gym has to offer. Pick up a new schedule of classes and see if you can pick up a class once a week to give your work out a little spice.
4. What can you do at home for those days or weeks that chaos occurs? Pick up a pair of free weights from the discount store. If you have them available at home you can supplement for those times when your good intentions come to ruin because of your busy schedule.
5. Take advantage of the outdoors! January is not really the month that we think about being outdoors, but don't forget about it. Jump on the trampoline with the kids, go to the park and play chase, take the dog for a walk, ride your bike, or so many other possibilities. If the weather allows it go outside, and soak up some Vitamin D!!
To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind....