Back to the foobs!! They are better than I could have ever imagined. The nurse at my plastic surgeons had continually informed me that my new foobs would be nothing like real boobs. I know that they did not want my expectations to be too high, but honestly these are great. Compared to expander's I cannot imagine anyone who would not think so.
They are truly a dream come true. They are soft, round, attractive, they give to pressure, and are better than I could have thought possible. I went and did a little shopping yesterday morning, and I was in heaven. Between working out and the perfectly proportioned foobs this was the best shopping experience I have had possible ever. I would honestly have to say that my toner body and new foobs have given me a new confidence! Of course, after living with expander's for three months it is hard not to feel more attractive and self-confident.
All in all, I am continuing to feel like this experience and being BRCA 2+ is a great thing. Little ole me is not only helping myself but others too. My plastic surgeon has asked to use my case to present information and proof in the future. I am glad to be able to help, hopefully giving others a little peace in their struggles. I have also enrolled in a couple of studies to help give more insight into our BRCA future.
I'm still a little tired, but it will pass soon enough. In comparison to all the blessings this experience has provided it is only a slight inconvenience. God is good, and there is a great deal more information to discuss in the near future. I wish the best to everyone in their summer journeys and will be talking with you again soon!
God Bless!